Hearthstone meta decks standard
Hearthstone meta decks standard

hearthstone meta decks standard

They are the closest to optimized or have such ridiculously powerful combos and synergy that they overwhelm the competition. Boom’s mana cost was upped to 9, and then (while not directly) the class also got hit by changes to the Discovery mechanic (class cards show less often, and discovering class cards was common in Control Warrior). Tempo Storm Standard Meta Snapshot 1 - 1 2 3 4 5 Standard Wild Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Introduction Tier 1: These are the current top-level decks in Hearthstone ranked play. Boom, Mad Genius has became an alternative (or rather the main) win condition, giving the deck basically everything in a single card (removal, Armor, value, tempo).Ĭontrol Warrior has dodged the nerf bat in last expansion, but it did not in Saviors of Uldum. is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. The deck’s general game plan is to remove everything opponent plays while gaining a lot of Armor through Hero Power and other cards, and then win the game by dropping some high value minions. Top Hearthstone Reno Decks Played at Legend (Standard & Wild) on social media. will know all the cards that are coming to shake up the Hearthstone meta. Once upon a time, it was known as “Wallet Warrior” because of how expensive it was (sometimes even over 10k Dust, which is actually not that much these days). But first we have to talk about the twists and turns of Standard Hearthstone. Check back often for other advice and sometimes humorous takes on Hearthstone cards.Control Warrior is one of the classic archetypes in Hearthstone. The writer is a previous Legend placement player and frequent user of Aggro and Off-Meta decks. Thanks for checking out TGH’s 3 Best Hearthstone Decks to climb with. Needless to say if one likes an easily piloted deck with a great win rate, they should give this beauty a try.ĪAECAR8E5e8D/fgDhskE0+QEDdzqA9vtA/f4A6mfBKqfBLugBL+sBJ2wBMHTBIzUBMzkBNDkBNTkBAA= Rating 5. Blood Death Knight Frost Death Knight Unholy Death Knight Demon Hunter. 10 Top Standard Hearthstone Decks for Mid-May - Standard Meta Snapshot. Our MTG Arena Best of One (Bo1) Historic Meta Tier List regularly reviews and ranks the top decks in the format, carefully curated by our expert Altheriax. Not to mention a good amount of board clear which easily completes the Hunters quest making the player’s opponent likely out of luck. 10 Top Standard Hearthstone Decks for Mid-May - Standard Meta Snapshot. With Arcane Shot, Barbed Nets, Quick Shot, Market Shot, Piercing Shot, that’s a whole lot of shots. Many have found this deck to be one of the most frustrating to play against on the ladder as it seemingly has an answer for everything anyone throws at it early on. Then easily whittle them down by using low cost spells to quickly refresh Hunter’s hero power, which will now cost 0 upon quest completion. All that is needed to pilot it is the ability to outlast one’s opponent until the quest is completed. Format: hydra - Season: season-107 - Player: Stonekeep.

hearthstone meta decks standard

It is quite literally a machine, in that this deck runs itself. (Standard) pikaharas 1 Legend Wilseed Face Hunter. Supreme Decks Currently reigning PURE PALADIN 68.0 0.8 FACE HUNTER 66.0 6.9 MIRACLE ROGUE 62.0 2.9 LIBRAM PALADIN 61.0 12.5 GALAKROND. Curse Imp Warlock 12-2 (Magipreme) Heroic Brawliseum March of the Lich King.


Next update The next Hearthstone Standard Meta Snapshot will be published on or before Apr. Tier 5 : Fun decks that should only be used if you play Hearthstone for the joy of the gameplay, rather than the joy of winning. Last but certainly not least, Quest Hunter. Taking wins off upper-tier decks requires an intimate understanding of the role of every card in the deck.

Hearthstone meta decks standard